Table of Commitments and Assurances (TOCA)
The Project team is committed to ensuring that the design, construction and operation of the South Fraser Perimeter Road avoids or minimizes potential environmental impacts. As part of the Environmental Assessment process, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Ministry) produced a Table of Commitments and Assurances (TOCA) that has 144 commitments. This table was developed as a measure to assure stakeholders that key environmental issues would be addressed and managed by the Ministry for its duration. The SFPR project received its Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act, on July 25, 2008. Federal approval was granted on July 29, 2008. As part of the approval, the Ministry provides regular reporting to the Environmental Assessment Office on the status of compliance with the conditions of the EAC and the TOCA.
Compliance with the Table of Commitments and Assurances is regularly assessed and reported on by the Ministry to the Environmental Assessment Office. The Ministry will continue to ensure that environmental commitments and assurances are being met by contractors working on the South Fraser Perimeter Road. The Ministry will also implement a long-term monitoring program to ensure the effectiveness of the program over time.
Enhancement Projects
The SFPR team will be working on over 40 enhancement sites throughout the corridor. Some of those have already been completed or are under way:
- Alex Fraser Tidal Wetland
- Mud Bay Log Removal
- 80th Street Riparian Restoration
- Crescent Slough Riparian Restoration
- Highway 17 Interchange Off-channel Feature
- Highway 91 On-ramp Riparian Restoration
- Briarwood Creek – Tributary Enhancement
- East Bon Accord Ponds
- Manson Canal Tidal Wetland
Burns Bog
The SFPR is located adjacent to Burns Bog and outside of the Burns Bog Conservancy protected area, purchased in 2004 by the Province and others. Work continues with the Burns Bog Management Committee to ensure the SFPR work complements the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Management Plan.
Specific measures to protect and restore Burns Bog both during and after construction have been developed in consultation with Metro Vancouver, the Corporation of Delta, the Ministry of Environment, and other agencies and groups. Some measures are:
- Wildlife crossings and fencing
- Protective berms and hedgerows
- Hydrology modeling/water management improvements to protect water quality
- The remediation of portions of historical landfills adjacent to the bog
A long-term monitoring program is also being put in place to ensure a successful implementation.
The SFPR team has been working closely with the Delta Farmers Institute to develop and implement the Agricultural Enhancement Strategy that will improve and extend irrigation and drainage systems, improve road safety and access for farm vehicles and other measures including storm water management and top soil recovery. The irrigation system upgrade will improve the water quantity and quality for more than 15,000 acres in Delta.
The Ministry will implement a long-term monitoring program to ensure the effectiveness of the program over time.